“Al-ameen lok hit charitable trust working best way to develop Muslim society to reach very small village to large city area for Muslim Educational and Social Development. Rich and capable
By alameenlokhit380028 In
“Al-ameen lok hit charitable trust working best way to develop Muslim society to reach very small village to large city area for Muslim Educational and Social Development. Rich and capable
By alameenlokhit380028 In
“A excellent organization or trust to work for upliftment of economically poor people from our sociery to upper level through financial help in education. As per my view, Higher education
By alameenlokhit380028 In
” This grant help in financial assistant to study and provided fees for my admission for CA final registration without this grant it is hard to mange the money.Thanks to trust
By alameenlokhit380028 In
“ Al-ameen lokhit charitable trust is the help full trust, many poor students helping in this trust, All Medicl, paramedical, engineering student helping every time ready in this trust. This
By alameenlokhit380028 In
” Al-Ameen Charitable trust is a very much helpful for needy and poor student who can’t afford for higher studies. It gives up full support to build a carrier for bright
By alameenlokhit380028 In
“ Al-Ameen trust is a ray of hope for the oppressed, helpless, compelled, and needy students as well as Muslim brothers and sisters.“
By alameenlokhit380028 In
“Thanking to Al-ameen lokhit charitable trust for helping financially for study. Really very good support I have got from the Al-Ameen trust. Financial assistance provided from the trust for my
By alameenlokhit380028 In
“Due to our financial crisis, We ware unable to pay my fees, Al-Ameen trust provided us help & Support. Al-Ameen trust helped me to pay my fees when we needed