“Al-ameen lok hit charitable trust working best way to develop Muslim society to reach very small village to large city area for Muslim Educational and Social Development. Rich and capable Muslim should understand that Muslim can develop only if they concentrate in Education.
I come from very small village Virpur(Rajkot District, Jetput Taluka). I have completed B.E.I.T. from V.V.P. Engg. College Rajkot in 2004. I was from poor family and got many educational financial help from Muslim community during my study days.
I have got financial help from Al Ameen lok hit charitable trust from 2001 to 2004 during needy days of my education (B.E.I.T). If each Muslim wants to see developed Muslim community in 10 years then each Muslim has to concentrate in Education…Education… and Education up to next 10 year with high Islamic spirits.